February 6, 2025
No truly.
If “government efficiency”
is such a priority,
why does the guy
who speaks for himself on
his own version of “social media”
need a non-essential spokesperson
who sounds like a 13-year old babysitter?
Why does there need to be a
new “department” of
“government efficiency”
to accomplish what any
intelligent good faith
United States American business owner
does regularly on a daily basis?
Truly. If stupid, incompetent,
and inefficient are allowed to fly
military helicopters or aircraft
anywhere near good faith
commercial passenger airline flights
intelligently designed and
fully equipped with seats that are
flotation devices for every passenger
should a water landing become necessary,
knowing the plane itself, especially
the passenger and crew compartment,
is essentially also a flotation device,
allowing time for everyone on board
to safely, in a pre-planned protocol
efficient manner,
exit the aircraft,
well gosh.
Why go to all the expense,
if the military is just going to cause
its own mass casualty assaults
to insist it needs more money
to “protect” America and
good faith Americans and their children,
like that?
No truly,
all the inflatable slides
and flotation devices,
onboard inflatable lifeboat rafts,
are truly unnecessary if
stupid moron hell
is going to dictate
that everything is “equal” and must be
equally allowed
to fly in any ol’ airspace it wants,
most especially to “retrain” and
“refamiliarize” weekend “warriors”,
or someone’s privately contracted
“stupid A-Team-wannabe security forces”,
for military helicopter piloting “readiness”.
Who ordered that flight?
Who criminally scheduled that flight
in that airspace?
It’s now become a matter of
national security and public safety,
that’s a death penalty offense,
with at least 60 obvious reasons
good faith Justice must prevail.
And you know what was even worse?
When they asked “trump” about
the threats from “iran”, and
he essentially said,
“It would be very bad if they took him out,
not that it was about him,
but if that happened
he’s already put orders in place
to ‘obliterate’ them.”
You know.
I could make the case that
at least all 60 good faith passengers
on that commercial passenger aircraft
were way more important than “trump”,
who had already criminally forced
physical facemask assault
against those sweetie sweet ice skaters
when they were even younger in 2020,
and yet he doesn’t seem to be interested
in “obliterating” the ones
at the CDC who criminally dictated that,
or the ones at the DOD
responsible for that
100 percent preventable
military helicopter assault.
In the deceived room of
it’s a
“democracy!” stupid,
there is no economy.
In the deceived room of
it’s a terrorist assault stupid,
that used a U.S. military helicopter
to strategically assault that,
there is no economy,
and there’s no more
freedom or Peace
to simply fly the friendly skies
And just like after 9-11,
when the Bush administration
didn’t just say,
Oh golly, well the bad guys all died
in those hijacked suicide terrorist assaults,
so there’s nothing more to hold accountable,
to make sure that never happens again,
it’s really obvious,
“trump” is more interested in
“obliterating” anyone
who might death threat him,
but obviously doesn’t care about
every single person
up the chain of command in the military
who had anything to do with
that helicopter flight
or those absolutely lunatic flight paths,
flight clearances, and
horrifically incompetent (or terrorist)
military personnel.
Glad to be of service.
No election needed.
I love you.
Peace be with you.
Much Love,
Mama Murphy