January 14, 2025


Imagine a round room.


No furnishings, no windows,

just a modest wooden desk and chair

in the exact center

of that round room.


There are 50 doors

all equally spaced

and of uniform height and width

around the one, continuous

circular wall

surrounding that round room.


The desk in the center of that room

and the intelligent civilized


United States American

in the office and position

and trusted authority

of that room and office,

has the specific official duty

to protect and preserve

all the good faith

intelligent civilized


United States Americans

residing in the additional

specific locations designated

as one of those 50 doors

surrounding that round room

with that modest, wooden,

resolute desk

in the center.


If someone comes into that room

and “recommends” or advises

or perhaps has ganged up

a pretense of criminal “vote”

against good faith Americans

additionally fortressed

behind any or all of those 50 doors,

the position and office

of President of the United States,

stops that nonsense right there,

and does not open any or all those 50 doors

and allow

shutdowns and lockdowns

of all businesses and livelihoods,

and forced physical facemask assault

against good faith, intelligent civilized

Americans and their children,


and that position and office

certainly does not

allow or dictate

forced pharmaceutical assault

either from that office,

or allow it to invade and assault each

of those 50 doors,

and all of those intelligent civilized

good faith, born-and-so-raised

United States Americans,

residing in those 50 individual, united

good faith American states.


If an individual

in that office and position does that,

that is Treason,

which is, understandably,

a mandatory death penalty offense,

because it’s essentially

criminally allowing, facilitating,

or dictating

direct violations

of the official limitations

of that trusted office and position,

and direct violations

of the lives and guaranteed

rights, freedoms, trust, and Peace,

of 300 million Americans and their children,

specifically residing

behind the additional

good faith protection and preservation

of one or more of those united

50 individual state doors.


It’s why the individual

intelligent civilized


United States American

in that specific position

of President of the United States,

must be specifically trustworthy,

intelligent, of good character

in personal conduct and life,

and qualified

for good faith public service

in that position,


and if that individual

has already perpetrated crimes against

good faith Americans and their children,

such as tyrannically forcing

financial hardship and default

against otherwise good faith

trustworthy Americans,

and not only that,

forcing physical assault facemasking

against two year olds, children, teens,

college students, parents, senior citizens,

and hundreds of millions of good faith

kind, trustworthy, working Americans,


that individual

is a deranged, sociopathic lunatic,

and well, ladies and gentlemen,


We have them surrounded.




It’s delightful actually.


Glad to be of service,

as official President of the United States,

to kindly bring that good news

to my fellow Americans and their children,

that no criminal like that

will ever have credibility,

authority, or dictate

over any of our lives, livelihoods,

businesses, recreations, travels, or

good faith happy fun and celebrations,

ever again.




I love you.

Peace be with you.




Much Love,

Mama Murphy



Oh... and by the way,

it’s like that in the 50 individual states too,

except in that additional fortressing

of our great American lives and peace,

some states have

way more than 50 counties,

some even upwards of 90 or 100 or more,

that are all doors,

surrounding the round room

of the state “governor” position,

in each of our individual and

most certainly united,





Yes. It’s that fun. That awesome.

I’m just as equally delighted

to bring that honorable,


public service information,

so no goofballs, neurotics, psychotics,

meanies, dastardly bastards,

and certainly no foreign invasion

or “death to America” squirrelballs,

ever deceive

and hurt or harm,

good faith United States Americans

or their sweetheart children,

ever again.


It’s a good day,

ladies and gentlemen.


Pay no attention to those

only pretending they’re American,

in otherwise trusted positions

of intelligent American life representation

employment in the Congress,

the Judiciary, the Administration,

the departments, bureaus, and agencies,

or even otherwise good faith American

broadcast communications,

who don’t even have

enough personal self-discipline

to be faithful to their own wife and children,

but are trying to

moronically bring back a

“warrior” ethos

hellscape matchup

of planet of the apes,

russian roulette,

chinese laundry,

and guys who love the idea

of 72 virgins

but know it creates

third world hell,

but don’t care,

and are just stupid enough

to “fight” for it,

while assaulting and embezzling

good faith American life

to do it.


No truly,

the young, super-intelligent,

impetuously headstrong,

Patrick Henry,

did not write with impassioned

literary penmanship,

Give me the liberty of 72 virgins,

to overpopulate and make my life

a living hell, of famine, overpopulation,

bickering, feuding, fighting, and desolation,

or give me death fighting

to enslave myself to it.”


No. Not so much.


that young, impetuous,

self-taught moderator and arbitrator

of intelligent civilized

American rightness,

goodness, and civility,

without the expectations of “decorum”

and higher order communication,


“Dear God in Heaven,

we must either free ourselves

from these third world

inbred degenerate jungle animals, brutes,

terrorists, thieves,

and the inbred degenerate

egomaniac tyrant pretense of “king”

besieging and assaulting our lives,

fortunes, women, children, homes, lands,

and sacred Honor,

with that damnable hell,

or it most certainly would be better

to die than to be enslaved, abused, raped,

assaulted, pillaged, plundered

and under continuous threat

of that absolute violence, ignorance,

desolation, and abomination.




Did that mean

that Patrick Henry

would rather kill himself

than tolerate that one more day?


No of course not.


Did that mean that Patrick Henry

would rather wish death

on sweetheart good faith

intelligent civilized life,

than to fight with intelligent, manly,

honor, strength, fortitude, and supremacy,

to destroy brutes, terrorists, tyrants,

psychopaths, and belligerent morons,

so good faith life, happiness, and peace

can live and thrive

with no further threat

of that violence, abuse,

threat, assault, or destruction?


No, of course not.


And so, thankfully,


after the intelligent,

extraordinarily honorable,

American Revolution,


none of that hell,

is ever

eligible, qualified, or considered,

intelligent civilized

United States American,

and therefore,

has no vote,

regardless of what it might

pathetically scribble

as essentially nothing, but an

absolutely criminal,

absolutely unconstitutional,

lunatic testosteroni baloney paperwad

against our good faith American lives,

peace, prosperity, and happiness.


It’s awesome.

Yet another reason,

to absolutely positively thank God,

The Almighty,

Creator of Heaven and Earth,

and really admire

what our founding fathers

Divinely accomplished,

when they actually did fight

an intelligent revolution

to free ourselves

and all subsequent

intelligent civilized


American generations,

from dictatorial lunatics,

third world jungle animals,

and inbred degenerate

ollie ollie muckbar nutjobs

like that.


Sure, that last part

perhaps wasn’t of the highest Order

of dignified leadership

communication and decorum,

most especially

lightheartedly written

by a sweetheart faithful

authentically American wife, mom, lady,

businesswoman, and great all-around gal,


but that’s the fun

of literacy, sovereignty,

and silently reading

something you’d never hear me say

if I was kindly speaking to each of you

and your sweetheart, good faith,

happy, healthy, intelligent, and blessed



I can address the Men,

I can address the Women,

and I can address the children,

and we all know the difference

of simply describing a lowlife behavior

in a way that specifically, accurately

calls out what the actual problem is,

that interestingly,

some demographics,

not American at all,

just can’t seem to figure out and realize,

they’re the only ones,

who act like that,

and worse,

militantly teach

their sexual byproduct offspring,

to do the same.


It’s not our problem.

We don’t create hell.

We don’t teach it.

We certainly don’t fund or subsidize it.

Only a moron has a “warrior ethos”

with those who are so inbred

their dumb males, apparently take timeout

to rape as they’re attacking and

assaulting whatever they’re attempting

to “conquer”.


No truly gentlemen,

if you can’t just take out

that testosteroni baloney

when it’s got its pants down,

perhaps you should question

your entire alpha-male,

militant, military,

military boarding school, or

art of deal-war-launder-mongering “ethos”.


We all watched the movie “Taps”,

when Sean Penn, Timothy Hutton,

and all sorts of other underage, high school

military boarding school actors,

essentially showed the lunacy

and horrific, senseless tragedy,

of a jackass testosteroni baloney

pretense of “leader”,

dictating an absolutely artifical, fake,

military training simulation

that then became very real

and very deadly,

because the teenagers

were entrusted

to an old, retired,


warfigher, warmonger, warrior-ethos,

and none of them realized

they could just ignore the bastard,

run away to get help and rightly report him

to intelligent American authorities,

who would immediately

capture, prosecute,

and death penalty execute him,

for heinous acts of assault,

terrorism, coercion, and violence,

that so deceived those kids

they truly thought they had no choice

but to do what he said,

or he would assault, starve,

prevent them from getting into college

or officer’s school,

or murder them.



the moronic, fake,

political “pandemic”

code-named “covid”,

didn’t escalate to that,

but it did criminally assault

economic terrorism,

financial hardship and default,

forced the physical assault of facemasks,

and the deception that

good faith Americans

had no choice but to obey

the deadly, indescribable evil

of forced,

DOD monopolized

[Department of Defense]

pharmaceutical assault,

or they would lose their homes, cars,

businesses, and simple freedoms,

of playing sports, performing concerts,

or dining in good faith restaurants.




There. That explains things

clearly, intelligently, and accurately.


Just say no

to testosteroni baloney.

It has no authority, and now,

absolutely no credibility



On behalf of every

intelligent civilized

good faith born-and-raised

United States American kid,

who honorably volunteered

for what they truly thought

would be good faith

intelligent military service,

and instead were moronically “ordered”

by truly imbecilic males

(or pretenses of females),

to perpetrate crimes and violence

stupid and senselessly endangering,

to them, their fellow Americans

in good faith active or reserve

United States military service,

or good faith American life itself

and the freedoms and peace

we all live and enjoy,


there is no “warrior” ethos

in intelligent civilized

United States American life.


We are not at war.

It’s stupid.

And we certainly don’t go to war

with stupid.


“Friends with all

who are friendly,

and entangling alliances

with none.”


America swiftly, intelligently

kills the bad guys,

and We all go on about our day,

and good faith American life,

liberty, prosperity, and Peace.


Our guys are so great at what they do,

the Peace,

and day-to-day life

of 300 million good faith Americans,

isn’t disrupted, interrupted, or disturbed,

and is certainly never subjected to

catastrophic destruction or

“collateral damage” of life or property.


Gosh that’s so truly insane

that anyone would do nonsense like that

in this day and time,

and it’s truly astonishing

that was even a thought process

of those who think themselves

great “military” strategists,

“warriors”, “warfighters”, or leaders

of the United States of America,

Land of Freedom,

and Intelligent Common Sense.



for those

who are just delightfully learning

of my official

United States Presidency

and Great intelligent American

philosophy and “ethos”:



“Jesus Christ

is the Prince of Peace,

not the moron

of marvelous militancy.”




You could even memorize that

if you wanted to,

so the next time you hear some

absolute goofballs,

talk about testosteroni baloney

“warrior” or “warfighter” ethos,


you’ll know who the moron is,

and happily, peacefully,

100 percent Constitutionally

ignore them, certainly never vote for them,

and go on about your good faith


United States American life,

business, and way.




Glad to be of service.

No election needed.


Peace be with you.
















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